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Вывести весь список товаров производителя Canopus

Canopus designs and markets award-winning digital video and graphics solutions for professionals and enthusiasts. The company combines innovative hardware and software designs to achieve new standards in performance, functionality and reliability. Industry leaders worldwide recognize Canopus’ advanced HD, HDV, DV and MPEG codec technologies, which are featured in the company’s acclaimed video editing solutions, transcoding products, and network-based video distribution systems.

Canopus has worldwide locations in Tokyo, the U.S., U.K., Germany, and China in addition to an extensive worldwide distribution network. Its primary markets are broadcast, professional video, corporate and enterprise, and government and education.

On December 5th, 2005 it was announced that Thomson was buying a 33 1/3% stake in Canopus with the intention of launching a public tender offer to acquire remaining shares. As of January 24th, 2006, Thomson ownership of Canopus was 94.31% upon settlement. The acquisition of Canopus strengthens the position of Thomson’s Grass Valley Broadcast and Networking business, which is a key element in Thomson’s two year plan and is one of four primary revenue growth boosters. The acquisition specifically fits with Thomson’s objectives to broaden its media and entertainment and client base – and to support the accelerated delivery of technologies ranging from desktop video editing, video over IP, and digital media conversion, amongst others.

19" 2U XEON E5-2620v2 *2/32GB/32TBДобавить в корзину
Цена: 4109.00 y.e. - 534170 руб.
Готовый сервер 19" 1U 2*Intel® Xeon® Silver 4110/ SUPERMICRO SYS-6019P-MT/32GB DDR4 ECC REG/4TB SATA3 HDD/256MB SSDДобавить в корзину
Цена: 3014.00 y.e. - 391820 руб.
Готовый сервер 19" 1U 2*Intel® Xeon® Silver 4110/ SUPERMICRO SYS-6019P-MT/8GB DDR4 ECC REG/1TB SATA3Добавить в корзину
Цена: 2524.00 y.e. - 328120 руб.
Adaptec ASR-2120SДобавить в корзину
Одноканальный контроллер Adaptec 2120S (66 МГц процессор Intel 80302) также выполнен в низкопрофильном форм-факторе MD2, поддерживается ОС Windows XP/NT-/2000, Linux, NetWare и Caldera, поддерживает конфигурации RAID 0, 1, 10, 5, 50 и JBOD. Опционально карта поставляется с батарейным модулем ABM-300 для 72-часовой защиты кэша.
Цена: 300.00 y.e. - 39000 руб.


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